Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Northern Magus
Richard Gwynn

This is a biography of Pierre Trudeau.

In the book Guns, Germs, and Steel Jared Diamond talks about how he is uniquely able to write such a book because of his expertise in a variety of fields (biology, anthropology, sociology, etc...). Much of the same thing is going on with this book. Richard Gwynn is so knowledgeable about Canadian history, culture, politics, and economics that he is able to brilliantly draw upon so many different areas to really paint a complete picture of Pierre Trudeau. This is a political biography, an unauthorized one I suppose, as Trudeau is never interviewed for it. It is also unique in that Trudeau is still in office while it is being written. Gwynn calls him a "moving target" and he seems a bit annoyed that Trudeau came returned as Prime Minister, making this biography less than complete.

He calls Trudeau a magician, able to act as required in any situation. He paints Trudeau both as extremely arrogant and fiercely passionate. Trudeau is sometimes so driven to accomplish his goals, goals that are so noble and high-minded. Other times he is listless and bored, seemingly unable to build any momentum. He is both devoted to Margaret and incredibly unfair to her. She, similarly, adores him and is relentlessly cruel to him. The contrasts, the conflicting actions, both in personal and political life support very well the magician thesis. Gwynn is fascinated by Trudeau, but not intimidated by him. He is in awe of his accomplishments, but is objectively critical. This is an excellent political biography, full of grand philosophy and revealing anecdotes.

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