Monday, November 19, 2007

Marley And Me
John Grogan

This book is a memoir about a man raising his dog and his family.

The writing gets better near the end as the author seems to be able to write with much more emotion and clarity about recent experiences (including death) with his dog than he managed with more distant memories. There are a lot of cliches and predictable moments in the early chapters, but the end is well worth enduring a bit of tedium. Marley dies and Grogan fully understands the impact Marley has had on his life. Marley is simple, ever content, always curious, and fiercely values companionship and family. Grogan sees the Marley's way of life serves as a guiding beacon to true simple hapiness.
I thought the book was nice, not overly profound, but it acomplishes what it sets out to do. In a way, it comes to the same conclusion as Candide. Focus on what's important and hapiness will follow.

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