Saturday, January 13, 2007

Pierre Trudeau

Really informal. It seems that it was transcribed from conversations where Trudeau simply spoke at length about his time in office. It could have been written by himself, though it was written quickly with an attempt to maintain a conversational tone. As with many memoirs, there is an assumption that the reader knows the history well enough already. Trudeau essentially makes commentary on the major issues that cam up during his time. Not being completely familiar with the events of his tenure, I was lost at a few moments. Nevertheless, I was made aware of much more than I knew before. He tries to remove some of the mythology surrounding his life and accomplishments by admitting mistakes, confusions, and weaknesses. At the same time he is as combative and firm as ever when defending the policies and actions that he believed in. It was an interesting time to be in charge, and his insights were not only on politics, but on the times in general. Particular moments of interest are his comments the development of his life social philosophy at school, his stories of his travels, his take on Trudeaumania, and his firm unwavering ferocity in the fight against seperatism.

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