Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Primary Colors
Joe Klein

Primary Colors. The only three colours that cannot be created by mixing others. They are pure, the top, primary. Primary Colors. It is literally a book about the American democratic primary. Politicians and colours have so long been associated. Red and Blue and Green and more. Primarey Colors. The book has strong racial themes. Anchored in Arkansas, the Southern racial issues are ever present. The main character is black, grandson of a civil rights leader. His race provides steady obstacles and opportunities. It is suggested he is brought on board to add colour to the campaign team. Primary Colours. The odd cast of characters running the campaign, are, if anything, colourful. Primary Colors. The race itself is coloured by so many ups and downs. It is anythign but grey. Primary Colors. The initials are PC. The novel is not. What a title. Genius. Wit.

Knowing people in politics, natural "charismatic" leaders, Governor Stanton portrayal is so vivid. It is the best writing Ihave ever known that offers such a multi layered reading of a character simply through his monologues. He never says anything to specifically make you suspect his sincerity, yet amidst it all, there is so much, undefineable, to suspect. Show, don't tell.

So vivid, engrossing.

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